Pre-processing PLINK files
Create a new directory called processed_data
to store processed files
mkdir processed_data
Set minimum allele frequency (maf) to 0.05
plink --bfile original_data/grantsThomsons2017_maxMissing0.2 --maf 0.05 --no-sex --make-bed --out processed_data/grants_maf0.05
Change family ID to locality/species
Use given information from gazelle_popinfo_withPLINKid.txt
to set the family IDs (1st column in .fam) to either locality or species.
plink --bfile processed_data/grants_maf0.05 --update-ids additional_files/locality_as_fam_ID.txt --make-bed -out processed_data/locality_grants
plink --bfile processed_data/grants_maf0.05 --update-ids additional_files/species_as_fam_ID.txt --make-bed -out processed_data/species_grants